Youth Entrepreneurship and Tourism for Social Development (YESTD) allow exchange programs for groups and individual of young people from different countries. Youth exchanges take place here in Nepal, outside and inside the school, community and environment. You can expect to participate in activities such as workshops/seminar, conference, outdoor activities and many more. Participants’ learning experiences are recognized through a YESTD. The interconnected and globalized environment in which we operate, there is increasing awareness and appreciation of the value of an international experience for youth, particularly those working within higher education. Whilst many youth have the opportunity to participate in international conferences as part of their role, all too often, visits are brief, interaction is limited and opportunities for development and learning are restricted. The costs associated with sending youth/student on such visits are also prohibitive, particularly considering time frames in-country. With this in mind, combining an international conference visit with a more meaningful exchange/placement has the potential to expand upon the value of such an experience, whilst providing multiple benefits for both participants and host institutions. Participants can gain new skills, motivation, perspectives and an expanded network, whilst host institutions gain a temporary staff member who can provide a fresh outlook and insight into the programs and services will provide.
YESTD will be implement student and youth exchange program as a means of providing an opportunity for young generation working within the student housing sector/student engagement field to combine involvement social and cultural Conference/workshop/ seminar as well as volunteering with a placement/exchange opportunity.
- Commitment from host and partner institution for purpose exchange opportunity scheduled in in conjunction with relevant international and national events.
- Provision of accommodation and selected meals during the program by both institutions
- Arrangement of visiting schedule including opportunity for networking, informal dialogue, shadowing, cultural exchange activities, and option of pre-determined relevant activities of purpose projects/program.
Eligibility for Involvement
- Student, emerging youth professional, unemployed youth regardless of role (Residential Education/Life, Facilities Management, Administrative, Senior Management etc.) would be considered so long as they could demonstrate value from the experience.
- The staff member from the host and visiting institution are not required to be from the same field.
Outcomes of the Exchange:
- Professional and personal development opportunity for visiting and host staff and housing operations.
- Enhanced international networking and collaboration opportunities.
- Opportunity to review and explore operating practices through insight and perspective of visiting staff member.
- Formal reporting and evaluation process at conclusion of conference and placement opportunity
- Promotion of the youth exchange through tourism and entrepreneurship programs.
Responsibility of Host Institution
- Offer of accommodation on-campus for the duration of the conference and placement
- Breakfast and dinner throughout the program
- Provision of a 7 – 14 day placement opportunity shadowing colleague(s) in a similar position with the option of management of a pre-determined project(s) (exact duration to be negotiated)
- Possibility of arrangement of visits to other institutions in host country as deemed appropriate
- Determination of an appropriate host manager/placement supervisor for the visiting staff member
- Design of a formal schedule for the visiting staff member including opportunities to network with host staff, formal meetings and project work, and cultural exchange activities after hours and weekends.
Responsibility of Respective Team and Personnel
- Completion of an application/expression of interest process to participate in the exchange with determination of suitability and final selection by host and partner organization.
- Active participation in the conference and placement schedule at the host institution.
- Completion of a formal report (in collaboration with placement supervisor) outlining and providing an opportunity to highlight learning, outcomes, application to role and housing operations.
- Organization and payment of flights, conference registration, meals not specified, personal expenditure and other miscellaneous activities not listed.