Exchange Program

Youth Entrepreneurship and Tourism for Social Development (YESTD) allow exchange programs for groups and individual of young people from different countries. Youth exchanges take place here in Nepal, outside and inside the school, community and environment. You can expect to participate in activities such as workshops/seminar, conference, outdoor activities and many more. Participants’ learning experiences are recognized through a YESTD. The interconnected and globalized environment in which we operate, there is increasing awareness and appreciation of the value of an international experience for youth, particularly those working within higher education. Whilst many youth have the opportunity to participate in international conferences as part of their role, all too often, visits are brief, interaction is limited and opportunities for development and learning are restricted. The costs associated with sending youth/student on such visits are also prohibitive, particularly considering time frames in-country. With this in mind, combining an international conference visit with a more meaningful exchange/placement has the potential to expand upon the value of such an experience, whilst providing multiple benefits for both participants and host institutions. Participants can gain new skills, motivation, perspectives and an expanded network, whilst host institutions gain a temporary staff member who can provide a fresh outlook and insight into the programs and services will provide.

YESTD will be implement student and youth exchange program as a means of providing an opportunity for young generation working within the student housing sector/student engagement field to combine involvement social and cultural Conference/workshop/ seminar as well as volunteering with a placement/exchange opportunity.


Eligibility for Involvement

Outcomes of the Exchange:

Responsibility of Host Institution

Responsibility of Respective Team and Personnel

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